I want to dedicate this post to my sister, who had her graduation last Thursday, I want to wish her luck in this new phase of her life!

As usual, I got into this mess all by myself when I volunteered to make cookies for the graduation.

They’re pretty easy, but I’m not gonna lie, when you have to make 90 it’s too much work.

Fortunately I had help, if it wasn’t for that I’d still decorating cookies.

However, you can prepare a reasonable quantity for someone special.

You’ll need:
Graduation cap cookies (I made honey cookies)
Line icing (black and yellow)
Flooding icing (black)
Piping bottles
Tips no.1 and no.2

In this picture you can see the process.

First, make the edge with no.2 tip and black line icing, let it dry.

Fill with the flooding icing and let it dry.

Draw the little balls with no.2 tips and the thin lines with no.1 tip, all with yellow line icing.

Finally, if you want a professional finish, put them in cellophane bags.

I hope you’ll like them and make some!

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