CANDY APPLES (gluten free)

Well, I officially start Halloween season!
I’ve been waiting for the whole year, it’s absolutely my favorite day, with its sweets, its costumes, its decorations… everything is perfect!

And a recipe that should be in everyone’s repertoire is this candy apples recipe.
I resisted to make them because the first and only time I made candy I burned it and spoiled my flan =(
But this time I made it right and I want to share it with you.

4 small apples + 4 sticks (I used tree sticks to give them a creepier look, but you can use lollipop sticks)
½ cup of water
2 tablespoons of corn syrup
200 g of granulated sugar (7 oz.)
Red colorant

Wash the apples and attach the sticks.

Place in a saucepan the water, the sugar and the corn syrup.
Put medium heat until it boils.
When it gets golden (it took about 20 minutes), take it out from the heat and add the colorant.
Dip the apples into the candy and cover it.

Tips after my disasters:
If the candy gets too solid between dipping an apple and another, just melt it again; I had to do it all the times.
If the apple fall downs from the stick use a fork to dip the apple, and then put the stick again, it also happened to me and it worked just fine.
They say that it’s better not to stir it with anything because it crystalizes, but I did stir it with a silicon spatula and it didn’t crystalize.
Finally I recommend you to cut them into pieces, so you don't break your teeth.

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