I’ve wanted to make panettone for tears, but never found the time.

And finally this year I managed to prepare it.

To be honest, it takes time, but it’s not especially difficult.

I’ve follow, almost without changes, the recipe on Maria Lunarillos and the result was great.

Ingredients (for 800g/0.03oz.)
50 ml of milk 
45g of strong flour (1.6 oz.)
1g of dry yeast (0.035 oz.)

First dough:
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
50 g of granulated sugar (1.8 oz.)
1 tablespoon of rum
220 g of strong flour (7.8 oz.)
55 g of butter at room temperature (1.9 oz.)

Second dough:
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
30 g of granulated sugar (1 oz.)
½ teaspoon of honey
½ teaspoon of vanilla extract
170 g of strong flour (6 oz.)
First dough
55 g of butter at room temperature (1.9 oz.)
60 g of candied fruit (2.1 oz.)

First, prepare the preferment. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and cover it. Put it in the fridge for the night.

For the first dough (next day), beat the eggs, the yolk, the sugar and the rum. When it is properly mixed, add the flour, previously sifted. Once the dough is homogeneous, add the preferment and knead. Finally, add the butter little by little.
Dough must be elastic.
Make a ball with the dough, place it in a bowl and cover it. 

It has to double its size, in mi case it took almost 3 hours.

For the second dough, beat the eggs, the yolks, the sugar, the honey and the vanilla extract. Add the flour previously sifted. When it is integrated, add the first dough. Finally, add the butter little by little.

Now, knead until the dough is very elastic, you can use a food processor.

When you can easily stretch the dough and not sticky, divide into the parts you need (I made two of 400g each)

Stretch the dough in rectangle shape and place the candied fruit (I used 45g of candied orange and 15 g of candied pineapple, but I think you can put more fruit).

Cut the rectangle and put one part on the top of the other, make a ball.

Put the balls in the panettone mold with the smooth part above.

Cover them and let the raise to the top of the mold. Mine needed about six hours.

Preheat the oven t 180ºC (356ºF).

Carefully cut a cross and add butter.

Bake for 35-45 minutes or until it’s well cooked.

When you take it from the oven, stick some skewers and place them upside-down until they’re completely cooled.

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