INVERTED SUGAR (gluten free)

Today I’ve prepared this post about inverted sugar, in which I’ll explain you what it is, what to use it for and how to do it.

The technic definition: is the sucrose hydrolysis provoking the rupture into fructose and glucose. This gives it a sweetening power of 30% or more, higher than regular sugar.

Physically is a transparent liquid quite viscous, with consistency similar to honey.

It’s very useful for bread and fermented dough, because it keeps the humidity for a longer time, as well as for ice creams and jam that avoids crystallization. It can also be used to make pastries bright or to reduce sugar quantity.

I use inverted sugar in all my dough and I get a great result.

Now I’m going to explain you how to prepare it. Two “especial” ingredients are needed. Here, in Spain are sold in package for sparkling drinks. You will need sodium bicarbonate and malic and tartaric acid.

150 ml mineral water
350 g white sugar
3,3 g sodium bicarbonate
2,2 g malic and tartaric acid
Place de water in a pot until it stars boiling.

Add all the sugar and dissolve.

Add the malic and tartaric acid, stir until it dissolves and remove from the heat.

Add the sodium bicarbonate and stir, carefully, sin a lot of foam will be formed, that’s why it’s important the pot is big enough.

Once the foam has disappeared, pour it in a jar and let it cool down at room temperature, before storing in the fridge.

Write down the date on the jar and it lasts for a year.

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