I've prepared this tutorial of ghost, pumpkins and cats.
I hope you like it and find it useful

Materials and ingredients:

  • Fondant: white, black, orange and green (it can be already colored or you can do it yourself with GEL or PASTE colorants)
  • Black liquid colorant
  • Fondant tools (is opcional, but it will make the task much easier, plus you can't find them very cheap)
  • Non-stick surface
  • Caster sugar (depending on the fondant, just if it is too soft or sticky) 


1. Start with white fondant

2. Make a small ball and squash to form a circle; and a cilinder with the top slightly rounded.

3. Put the circle on the cylinder and mark the folds

4. Make the eyes and the mouth using a pointed tool.

5. Paint the inside of the eyes with a little brush or a tooth stick with the black colorant.


1. Make a ball with orange fondant.

2. Poke a sharp tool into the ball.

3. Make equidistant lines.

4. Carefully make the eyes, nose and mouth, with triangular shapes, and take off the excess.

5. Form a small cone with green fondant. Put a drop of water into de whole and put the stalk.

6. Finally paint the eyes, mouth and nose with the black colorant.


1. Get black fondant (better bought, because dying black it's really difficult)

2. Make a cone.

3. Strecht out the top.

4. Make a ball for the head.

5. Make two small triangles for the ears, and stick them with a bit a water.

6. Make four small balls, two bigger than the others (for the feet). 

7. Stick with water the bigger balls to the body.

8. Now stick the smaller balls to the body.

9. Make a hole in the head.

11. Make the tail.

12. Stick the head and the tail to the body.

13. Make two green eyes and a black nose and stick it to the face.

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