Without even noticing it, Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It’s not one of my favorite festivities, but it’s the perfect excuse for chocolate and red velvet. Truffles are super easy and really worth it. 

Ingredients(25 small units)
200 g dark chocolate (7 oz)
115 ml heavy cream 
Cocoa powder (or the decorations you prefer; sugar, chopped nuts, chocolate, shredded coconut…) 

Put the cream in a pot, over slow-medium heat and add the chocolate in pieces. Stir until it is homogeneous. 

Refrigerate the mix for two hours. 

After two hours, get even portions, the size you want and cover with de cocoa powder (I make it with cocoa in a glass, I put the truffle inside and shake until it’s cover and it’s easier)

Finally leave them in a cool place or in the freezer if you prefer them frozen.

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